Radiant Immortal Divinities!
Most Beloved and Blessed Children of the Divine!
Hari Om. Om Namo Narayanaya!
Merry Christmas to you! May Christmas bring you inner joy, peace and purity! May the ringing bells of church, Christmas Carols and gong of synagogue bring the inner awakening of the individual soul.
Let us ponder the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of truth and purity. "How you thinketh so you becometh" says Old Testament. So prayer unto Him and singing His Glory will bring cosmic consciousness and illumination.
He came and brought the message of love. Love for mankind, Love for birds and beasts. Love for known and unknown. His Sermon of the mount is known to millions, as it came from the bottom of His heart; and it was a bliss of His soul divine!
Let us seek purity. Love for Lord and Service to mankind will bring us happiness in the upcoming New Year. Let us live the life of selfless service, love, and kindness. Enlightenment in individual life will lead to the cosmic consciousness, illumination and realization of the absolute. May His divine grace be ever upon you all.
With Prayers and Greetings of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. In the Service of Gurudev Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj
Swami Adhyatmananda
1700 AD, there happened to be a great Emperor in Rome. He desired to build an
art gallery on the life and teachings of Lord Jesus. The Emperor left no stone
unturned to select the best artist from the Roman school of painting and culture
to do his job. The huge construction was taken on hand. The grand hall was given
a shape so as to attract lovers of the Lord from all walks of life and the story
It was a holy night, a dark night, full of peaceful minds, a peaceful,
useful, meaningful, purposeful night in which the holy master descended from the
heavenly galaxy of supreme blessedness. The artist started bringing up the
episodes one after another. A small village, stretching sky, beautiful panorama
with little huts
surrounded by snow, little sheep and lambs and Virgin Mary
having given birth to the baby Christ.
Now the question was – how beautiful could the baby be? So the artist
started searching places near and far to find an equal and befitting child who
could serve as a model for the Son of God. Moving up and down in the hills and
valleys from town to town, village to village, street to street he was finally
able to find an excellent child. A divine child with sparkling eyes that could
glorify hearts, a tender child who had a halo around him, just like a light of
life, peace of peace, beauty of beauty, he possessed a simply unfading beauty of
the soul. Jesus couldn’t have been much more beautiful than him. It was as if
the holy child had been born simply to be placed in this art gallery.
The parents of the holy child were requested to come and stay in the
Royal guesthouse. The sketches, pictures, photographs and portraits of the baby
started taking shape, the initial stages of the holy master’s childhood. Years
rolled on, Babe became a grownup and the story went on.
The ups and downs, His pains and sorrows, His kith and kin, Romans and in
Jerusalem, those near and far from Him were portrayed, and also were the Holy
Masters – those persons involved with the ascent of the spirit. His prime of
youth and his grownup years were all shown in the paintings. The story rolled on
and so did the years. Time swept past with age to bring the artist to the
so-called events associated with the crucifixion of Holy Jesus. Even though the
artist had become very old his eyes were still very sharp. He had been able to
find a baby Jesus but now he had to hunt for the persecutor of the Holy Master
who nailed him on the cross. This he thought would be easy because one can’t
find such people on the street. So the trembling old artist started moving about
in bars, gambling houses and all such places where one could find a person with
such a horror of a face. Difficult was the task and though nothing is
impossible, one should have a strong will. If one desires to achieve the goal,
if one struggles and works hard in the right direction, one can achieve it in
this very birth, here and now. One dark night though the casinos were fully
lighted there was a prevailing darkness around one very frightening and fearful
face. ‘Oh! No one can be more ferocious than him’, thought the artist.
Hardly was the ferocious man aware of what was happening; he was physically
lifted and taken to the royal art gallery. Whenever he woke up and came to his
senses, some attractive, bread and butter were given to him to nourish him and
sustain him for the artist to finish his work. Anything that has started comes
to an end, it took almost four years to build the art gallery. It was totally
incomparable and somewhat unusual and unimaginable – the life of the Holy
Master. The baby Jesus, Jesus in youth, Jesus the Son of God and Jesus on the
cross were all depicted.
When serving of drinks to that so-called horrible person, whose face
seemed to brighten for the crucifixion of Jesus, was stopped he came to his
senses and was extremely surprised. He started gazing at each picture, in a
descending order, i.e. from the end to the start, from completion to
commencement, from Z to A. He stopped seeing, the pictures since he saw in the
picture of crucifixion of Jesus, his own face. But he was completely surprised
and shocked when he came to the picture of the baby Jesus. He burst out ‘Oh
No! It is not possible, Oh, God! Please, my Holy Master, please save me. Oh,
God! Save your world, please save me. What is my fate?’ He wept and wept
realizing and visualizing an unusual end of his life. But, this was a point of
awakening for him because of his realization that the brighter side of the baby
Jesus, the face of the baby Jesus, the picture of the baby Jesus was his own
face. What went wrong that his life commenced as holy child but was ending as a
man to be crucified? Is this what we are living for?
Jesus was born in secluded
place with not much medical care, education facilities, glamour or show and so
too was Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna too was born on a dark night in a prison and
lived with hardly any facilities but lovers of truth practice all the teachings
that he imparted to Arjuna on the battlefield, to this day. The Sermon on the
Mount, which was delivered by the Holy Master, Christ, is read and practiced by
one and all around the world. What is the secret of these teachings? What is
Merry Christmas? Is it only Santa Claus, Christmas trees, songs, jingle bells,
singing and dancing, fancy dresses and the external aroma of society by the
youths? No. Unfortunately Jesus is lost in the crowd. It is high time we find
Him through our purity, character, sincerity, truth, simplicity and service to
the known and the unknown and through sincere prayers unto Him. Then realization
of the absolute will not be far from us because God is here and now.
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